Homemade Frozen Yogurt
This recipe is featured in Science in the Kitchen: Frozen Yogurt
- Small or quart-size ziplock bag
- 118 ml (½ cup) plain, low fat yogurt
- A selection of fruit (soft fruits such as berries work best)
- 3.7-liter (1 gallon) ziplock bag (or a large mixing bowl)
- 473 ml (2 cups or 10-12 cubes) crushed ice
- 59 ml (¼ cup) salt (table, rock or Kosher)
- Kitchen towel (optional)
- Spoon (for tasting the yogurt)
1. In the small bag combine the yogurt and fruit. Seal the bag well (pressing out most of the air inside) and squeeze the yogurt and fruit together so that they mix well.
2. In the large bag (or mixing bowl) combine the ice and salt.
3. Now the freezing can begin! Put the small bag of yogurt mix into the large bag, and seal the large bag.
4. Shake and move the ice around the yogurt bag, so that the yogurt in the smaller bag starts to feel solid. This should take 10 to 15 minutes. (If you’re using a mixing bowl, move and swirl the sealed small bag around in the ice-salt mix in the bowl, holding onto the top of the bag.)
5. Remove the small bag from the ice-salt mix. Pat the bag dry on a kitchen towel to make sure no salt gets into your yogurt (otherwise you’ll have a very salty dessert).
6. Using a spoon, scoop some of the frozen yogurt from the small bag and have a taste.