#AloneTogether…What’s Cookin’?
The Cook’s Cook would like to acknowledge these difficult times for all of us as we endure the onset of COVID -19. In retrospect, we are very fortunate to live in this day and age of technology to keep us connected to one another as we force our social selves to hunker down in our respective abodes.
#AloneTogether most definitely speaks to the times, and social media is basically keeping us all connected. Corona virus has created a new normal, staying home, some with families, some without, some with a roommate or two, perhaps a pet, and some of us by ourselves, and some of us now called essential, tirelessly working on the front lines to serve and protect us all. The one thing we all have in common, without a doubt, is getting to know our kitchens up close and personal. Since we are a group of hard core foodies, this is the silver-lining for most of us, being able to test drive some new ideas, perfecting family recipes, trying new products, and finding novel ways to give back.
Besides the toilet paper shortage, we’ve all seen flour and yeast disappear from grocery store shelves — which can only mean there’s a lot more bread baking going on out there. Here at The Cook’s Cook we’ve even reinvigorated our sleepy starters, including one that incredibly stems from a 200 year old base!
We’d like to see what you’ve got cooking where you are. We’d like to see ways that you are being productive in your kitchens, learning, sharing, engaging with your families and friends, or going it alone with old cookbooks, iPads, laptops, phones, engaging with your people and technology to create a sense of routine and well being in these days of the unknown. Stay well, wash your hands, keep calm and cook-on!
One of our favorite comfort foods is Shirley O. Corriher’s recipe that deliciously combines leftover rice with grated cheese to make a creamy casserole.
Click here for the recipe:

Click on the photo and find our comments section below the recipe and show us how you do it!
What’s cookin’ out there?